As it exists today, capitalism is a lazy freak-show of humanity’s worst tendencies. The very foundation of it–private ownership for profit–favors those who do less work, and exploits those who do more. Remember, owning is not necessarily a job–being an owner is simply a fact of who you are, rather than what you do.

In a way, capitalism favors idle Being over Doing. “Being” an owner gives you privileges to make money off of others who work for you, who are “Doing” the labor. Having enough money brings you into a special class of people who are rich enough to be bean counters, who can afford to sit back and make money simply by owning things instead of doing work, profiting off of investments and deferring the actual running of a company to other people who have comfortable management jobs controlling still others that do the actual labor.

Exploiting the suffering of others for your own benefit requires that you constantly keep them sleepwalking, in thrall to the reigning ideology, their imaginations dulled, distracted by spectacle after spectacle designed to either entertain them or make them afraid. Education is for gaining the skills necessary to work for the state’s corporate masters, and so history is mostly the enshrined myths of the state, designed to keep the lower classes obedient and supportive of the aims of the ruling class, philosophy is non-existent or universally derided, art is unimaginative, logic is barely discussed, and people are kept apathetic, unengaged, their minds killed by religions that destroy their ability to see any of the abhorrent deeper truths in their world as they move from spectacle to spectacle, from birth to death, cut off from any serious concern except for attaining the necessities for survival, which are by no means assured (even though civilization has long advanced to the point where the basic needs for survival could be assured, if only we’d work together for our own mutual aid instead of trying to work for a life that requires the least effort on the backs of others.)

Capitalism uses race as a tool to separate people, dividing and conquering the working class through the propagation of separate racial identities. Where once capitalism, in its younger years, allowed slavery, it has “evolved” to use skin color merely as an easily identifiable signifier for which culture one is supposed to adhere to, silently preferring white people over darker skinned groups and providing white people with better jobs, better opportunities, better health care, better everything. White privilege is the penultimate laziness of modern capitalism, allowing white people to get farther ahead while stomping other races into the dirt.

The policing system takes away any danger in (white) life, conveniently leaving the more brutal aspects of capitalist oppression in the hands of people with the hearts of criminals who protect private property rights and try to keep any danger away from the lives of white people. Living a life without danger in it isn’t sensible, it’s just lazily putting your safety in the hands of the state.

Overall, the modern capitalist system is a corrupt mess, destroying the environment, exploiting workers for an elite class of private owners who do little work, dividing us against each other, and ensuring that we have no hope as we slouch toward death.